developing intuition

Are you psychically blocked? Check these common pitfalls to get your intuition back on point!

Everyone suffers from psychic blocks.

Even the best psychics suffer from this malady from time to time if we aren’t heeding our own advice.

We are spiritual beings who are having physical experiences. People are born in a psychically open state as unblocked, pure, high-vibration beings. Children, therefore, are by nature innocent and open-minded, allowing them to easily connect to their intuition. As we grow and mature however, we are often subjected to the negative programming that happens here on earth.

What would happen if you washed your car once when you first got it then never washed it again, or if you never serviced it such as changing the oil or having the tires rotated? The car would be covered with layers of dirt and grime and would function poorly if not soon totally break down. That dirt and grime is a metaphor for the psychic blocks that occur throughout time if you don’t properly take care of your intuition.

It prevents us from accessing our intuition and over time we won’t even remember it exists and thereby forget how to use it altogether.

We live in a world that is inherently imperfect and we encounter situations that will stir up emotions, cause us to feel negatively about ourselves and others and often cause us fear, doubt, uncertainty, anger and mistrust and all those things become a thick oil that has not been changed for years and will lead to your car or in this situation your intuition to break down and not perform as it should. Psychic abilities are not something you learn once and you forever have it. Just like your metaphorical car, it must be cleaned and serviced (exercised) in order to perform optimally.

So how do we clean and service our psyche and our intuition?

By clearing out the blocks or metaphysical dirt and grime and you do that by looking at the ways it gets blocked such as these:

  1. If you have ignored or refused your abilities - it’s like a muscle the more you use it the stronger it gets. It’s something that should be exercised daily through meditation, energy work, exercises such as using Zener cards

  2. You don’t know or remember what it looks, feels or sounds like- intuition is generally emotionless and feels like a kick to the gut or starts as a buzzing in the ears. Often when clients first come to me they are having this kind of ringing in the ears which most people dismiss as tinnitus - but it is also associated with intuitive messages trying to come through from your guides. My very good friend kept having seizures and right before they were happening she felt like some kind of important message was coming through. Now, her seizures were being treated by a physician but they couldn’t find any reason for them happening. So I asked her to concentrate on meditating and clearing her mind daily and low and behold psychic messages started coming through and her seizures dissipated immensely. I believe her body had such a traumatic fight or flight response to those messages and she didn’t know how to let them come through so her body physically seized. I’m not a doctor but I firmly believe there is a psychic component to a lot of things we avoid that manifest physically.

  3. You are not dealing with your own crap- if you aren’t addressing your own problems and clearing out your emotional baggage you are going to have blocks or when you’re trying to read someone else your own stuff will come through as theirs, which as you can imagine could be a big problem if you are someone who reads others for a living. You also have to make sure your body is fine tuned for your intuition. Meaning, your chakras have to be balanced, you have to do your emotional clearing every day, you have to make sure you’re grounded and you also need to make sure you’re not running anyone else’s energy along with your own.

  4. You haven’t turned the monkey mind off- you aren’t meditating and clearing your the chatter from your mind. If we aren’t clearing our minds from the constant noise in the background how can we expect for any intuitive messages to come through? There is a lot of noise coming from our own thoughts and fears and also from the collective that can severely impaired and impede your intuition. Without daily meditation and preferably twice daily you won’t be able to calm and shut out this chatter.

  5. You aren’t dealing with your shadow - Shadow frequencies block our pathway into the light, but they serve as the doorway to it. Each time we are faced with a difficult challenge, conflict, or decision, we are in the presence of a dense vibrational energy. It is important to look at how we want to respond in these moments. We can attempt to learn from these situations by going toward the light which will transmute that dense energy changing it into higher-vibration energy. Alternatively, one can remain entrapped by the challenge and not look at the challenge and live with the pain.

  6. Make sure you aren’t suffering from some kind of attachment or spirit that is blocking your abilities- While I want to make it abundantly clear this is never something someone should jump to. This is only something one needs to worry about if they are actively using their intuition on a daily basis, involved in the occult, engaging in divination with a Ouija board without proper knowledge of knowing how to use it, doing spell work or psychic readings on others without some element of protection, doing unconscious channeling, suffering from any kind of addiction that will allow an entity to enter or doing any kind of Magick without effective use of protection. These energies, attachments or leeches can distort your thinking and distort your physiology in your body. It is extremely important if you meet these criteria and feel that you have some kind of attachment that you get it removed from this earth and have it destroyed by someone who does this for a living- routinely. If you need a reference please email me. It is also imperative that you check their credentials before you undergo any kind of spirit removal.

  7. Cutting back on social media or any other programming that can come through television or the radio.

  8. Putting too much emphasis on what others think and getting rid of situations that cause anxiety- if you aren’t confident in your own skin you will need others to validate your choices and you won’t be able to get authentic information. Also if you are constantly playing catch up in your life, you are going to be anxious which will impede messages coming through. If you have a bill that you know needs to be paid, don’t put it off until it’s past due or you will just add anxiety until you deal with it. Same goes for any kind of deadline. Do your work ahead of time so you don’t have to have that deadline looming over your head.

    This is a pretty comprehensive list of psychic blocks but there will always be outliers. The only way to know for sure if you can’t figure it out for yourself is to consult a professional. A good psychic such as myself can often tell you what is blocking you because we will see this negative energy looming right in front of you like a darkness.