Healing your DNA

I recently had my daughter get sick, and when I went into work on her, I realized there are things connecting our lineage, and in her DNA that needed to be healed to effect things in this lifetime. We went through and healed these things, and it was crazy how fast she got well. That prompted me to create this series of worksheets that can help you do the same.

How to understand timelines

Visualize the earth as a tall tree where each decision, each action and each event sprouts a new branch in the infinite tree of reality. This is the realm of multiple timelines, an intricate Multiverse of possibilities where each conceivable path exists.

Each individual has the possibility to view these timelines, but how many timelines you can view is in direct relation to your level of consciousness. The more elevated your consciousness, the more timelines you can perceive. The more conscious you are and the more work you have done to heal your core wounds, the more influence you will have on the collective timeline. The more conscious you are the more weight your thoughts carry in the main earth timeline. In this‘Time Tree,’ individual timelines merge with Earth’s principal pathways. Those who feel bound to the 3D realm, constrained by the traditional laws of space and time, might find it challenging to transcend or navigate across these timelines. Yet, Earth itself is on a journey, constantly evolving along one of its potential timelines - sometimes harmonious, leading to peace and unity, or tumultuous, veering towards challenge and discord depending on millions of factors.

Contrary to popular belief, concepts like ‘the Rapture’ or ‘Armageddon’ are profoundly misunderstood from a dimensional standpoint. It’s not about being suddenly transported to another realm; it’s a gradual process. Souls may choose to ascend from this 3D reality to higher dimensions, or they might stay, continuing their journey here, each at their own pace.Timelines are fluid, ever-shifting, and not linear. Let’s say, for example, I wanted to look at the timelines for extraterrestrial contact, and I see those timelines converging and then I bring in a reality where I let somebody convince me that extraterrestrial don’t exist. I completely close out that timeline for myself but there are millions of other people who are still open to this timeline, so it doesn’t completely shut it out. It’s important to distinguish between ‘possible’ and ‘probable’ futures, especially in predictions. Numerous universal timelines run parallel, yet there’s always one dominant, most ‘probable’ timeline.

Consider the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East These regions, rich in vortex portals, act as amplifiers of human thoughts and emotions. Here, every sentiment, whether of peace or conflict, is intensified, spiraling through these energetic gateways. This is why significant spiritual and religious sites are often found along these lines.

The transition to a 5D reality is underway, driven by the collective desire for truth and change. It’s about the power of intention and thought. When focused on specific goals, desires, or outcomes, we have the potential to steer not only our personal timelines but also influence humanity’s collective path.

The collective consciousness of humanity holds immense power. When unified in thought and belief, we can usher in monumental shifts in our global timeline. And within the realm of quantum mechanics, where all possibilities exist simultaneously, our focused consciousness can materialize specific realities, shaping our shared future.

This journey through timelines and dimensions reflects our collective power and potential. Our choices, beliefs, and intentions are not just personal; they shape the very fabric of our shared reality.

Are you part of the solution or part of the problem?

Attention, Manifestation and Intention. These are all connected and all are compatible. They work in unison. What does this mean and how does it effect us? When we have unhealed trauma from childhood we tend to doubt everything. So much so that we become extremely negative and focused on seeing the world as a dark and lonely place. If we don’t heal these core wounds we will focus on negative things such as disputes, issues, drama and tragedies.

It’s important to be a healthy skeptic but if you notice that you are perpetually a Debbie downer you are likely stuck in a feedback loop that is a result of unhealed trauma. During childhood when we develop our core beliefs, if we don’t have parents that love and support us, we begin to question love and support from everyone. This trauma bleeds over into your adulthood, and you are actually stuck in a loop and causing these dark things to come your way. This is not a popular theory, but it is one that must be addressed and I have documented with my clients time and time again. Once they heal their trauma magically life becomes more positive.

The reason for this is once you heal you create a different feedback loop, that is of a positive nature and therefore, you are drawing more positive experiences into your life.

To test this theory, watch a scandal on the news, sooo many people gravitate towards this! The more people that bring their attention to the negative, the more it will grow and expand. For example, If you tell your child "you are stupid" , he will keep acting in a way that seems stupid to you because all you are focusing on is his faults and what he is doing wrong.

Our reality is shaped by our thoughts. Yours, mine and the rest of the worlds. Not only do we think about what we desire but we also think about the things we want to avoid. Focusing on the negative causes it to manifest in our world. The more people that focus on said issue, the more likely it will actually manifest in this reality. Just by thinking it!!!

You have to take ownership and realize you are powerful and you make up your own rules and construct your own reality. According to the Law of Assumption, what we assume to be true will eventually come to pass. I am not advocating spiritual bypassing and only focusing on happy things but you need to pay attention to the good in your life and focus on exhibiting gratitude for all the small things you have. you also have to do the work to heal your traumas and core wounds. That means doing the work to forgive those who have harmed you.

When I wake up in the morning I thank the sun for shining, I thank my house for shelter, I thank my daughter for being so amazing, I thank all of my clients for bringing me work I love and lastly, I thank myself for what I will do today.

An important tenant in Manifestation is the conviction that we are directly influenced by the ideas, beliefs, and intentions we harbor. When we make a conscious decision to create or experience something we need to harness the power of intention and focus and cultivate a deep sense of clarity and purpose. This means understanding what we want and why we want it. When our intentions are aligned with our values and beliefs, we tap into a source of limitless energy and inspiration. When we heal our traumas we align with higher frequencies which bring higher vibrational energy and create matching experiences. When we set an intention we are sending a clear message to the universe about our desires. This intention with the proper alignment acts like a magnet, drawing us towards people, situations and opportunities that align with our vision. By focusing on this intention with a clear mind, we amplify its power. If two or more people share the same intention and focus together on this vision it will amplify this field even more. If six people do this, it amplifies it 600%. This is what we call the Maharishi Effect. (many experiments have been done to prove this fact). When you heal your trauma and clear that negative energy you are not only healing it for yourself but for the collective as well. Each person doing their work helps raise the collective frequency that makes the planet a better place!

Now, knowing what we can do if we put our minds together for something good or great we must also understand by focusing on negative things in a group setting or on social media will draw that experience toward everyone as well.

Armed with this knowledge, what will you change today? What will you do to make the planet a better place for yourself, for your children and for humanity. Don’t ever think that one person’s voice doesn’t count because that is the biggest deception that we’ve been told! The powers that be do not want you to know how powerful you actually are! This is how they keep people enslaved. Every day is a new opportunity to create a different reality. It doesn’t matter what you did yesterday or the day before but what you do today that makes all the difference.

I would like you to experiment with this.

Here are some things you can do:

1. Participate in group meditations for a certain city or event (transcendental meditation)

2. Create a group meditation for a specific city, place, person or event.

3. Force yourself to do shadow work and forgive those who have wronged you.

4. I am not a fan of this program as a whole but the Alcoholics Anonymous program has many steps, but one in particular that is life changing. Step 4- taking moral inventory- that is one of the most beneficial things that you can probably ever do. you can look online to find the worksheets that will help you. You do not have to have been an addict or alcoholic to do this.

5. Dialogue with your inner child to find out what they need from the adult you to heal. (This is called gestalting) you can do this with a therapist or on your own.

6. Do the shadow work prompts from an earlier post I created.

7. Get your anger out.


8. When you have a negative thought stop yourself and find out where in the body that emotion is coming from then transmute that energy into a more positive energy. This takes a bit of practice, but once you’ve done it a handful of times you’ll be a pro!

9. Write a letter to everybody who has harmed you, get everything out of your system, and forgive them. Then burn the letter and give it back to the Earth.

10. If you get stuck in anger on number nine, watch the TikTok or video above or contact me for healing.

11. Make a conscious effort to smile at strangers for no reason. This will shift your frequency.

12. Steer clear of toxic people and toxic energies until you can deflect and transmute that energy so you don’t take it on.

13. Immediately when you wake up, give gratitude for everything that you have in your life but do these things individually. Ex. I am greatful for my home, I am greatful for my friends) if you aren’t grateful for something, leave it out or try to turn it into something positive. Let’s say my car is broken down and it makes me angry, i would say, I am grateful that mechanics exist. Do you see what I’m doing here? That is transmuting the energy.

14. Get a pendulum and learn how to clear yourself and when you wake up in the morning before you start your day, clear yourself of any dense energy, negative thought loops, victimhood programs and other people’s energy that might have gotten mixed with yours.

15. The best way to experience more things to be grateful for is to express gratitude for the things you already have. This is the most important lesson I can teach you. It’s a simple one, but do not think it doesn’t matter and it doesn’t have any power because it’s extremely powerful.

16. Practice loving yourself and giving yourself more grace. This intern will create the reciprocity in others.

17. Do not let yourself get dragged into other peoples drama. Remember you aren’t contributing to that loop anymore.

18. Discern whether you are regurgitating other peoples beliefs that you were taught as a child or whether they are your own. Repeat them to yourself over and over to make sure that they are in fact yours.

19. Forgive!! This includes forgiving yourself.

20. Participate in ancestral veneration. It clears your negative family, Karma forwards and backwards meaning you clear it for your kids and the generations that came before you.

The Siamese: learn about this most famous cat breed and their spiritual gifts!

Siamese cats

I got my kitty Fractal 8 months ago and honestly it has been quite the journey ever since. I named her Fractal because I am a psychedelic medicine facilitator and she told me that was her name. I see things in fractals and the first time I worked with psychedelics around her I realized she could see what I was seeing without imbuing the substance at all.

If I’m being honest I never wanted a cat. My daughter did and I let her convince me to get it. I was never sorry I did, I fell In love with her immediately. She somehow knew things about me and I truly felt she could read my mind. Cats are quite intuitive and if they simply show up in your life the way she did in mine, it is a sign of trustworthiness from the astral plane or spirit realm and the universe. In the work that I do, I am entrusted with the lives of others in some way and I’m finding her to be quite the blessing in my work.

Legend has it that Siamese cats kept away evil spirits and brought good luck to their owners, so they were often seen around in temples and royal households. Whenever someone has entered our lives that is not good for us I simply watch my cats behavior and it is very telling. If they are trustworthy, she loves on them if they are hiding things she stays far away and lastly if they wish us Ill intent she will hiss at them.

This enchanting breed is one of the most endearing pet companions you could have. They are very intuitive, they are excellent at reading energy and they can see the unseen. Siamese are beautiful, smart, & social, as well as one of the most lovable of all cats. Having one or more is one of the most enriching experiences you could have!

Find more information about all the different cat breeds at https://catsonline.net/cat-breeds/

What is Kambo therapy and why should you use it?

What is Kambo therapy and why should you use it?

Explore the healing benefits of Kambo therapy and decide whether or not this medicine is right for you!

2022 the numerology behind the importance of this year in our future!

222 equals six. “So God created man in His own image…Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So, the evening and the morning were the sixth day.” Genesis 1:27,31

God, is in essence a math nerd. I often seem to come across specific numbers throughout the Bible, such as 7, 12, and 3. But then I noticed the number 6, and knowing that every word and number in the Bible has a meaning, I became intrigued as to what it could represent.

The number 6 turns out to have a lot of significance. It's not only historical, either. It's also foreshadowing. Since it became associated with the Biblical Number of the Beast 666, the number 6 has earned a terrible rap. The truth regarding the number 6 is, however, rather different.

The vibratory nature of each number is unique. This essence resembles a personality or a set of characteristics that resonates with that number regardless of where it appears. Six is the first perfect number, which means it is both the sum and product of its factors:

6 = 1 + 2 + 3

6 = 1 X 2 X 3

Six is the smallest non-prime and non-square number.
The smallest perfect number is six.

Six is the only root number that can be written as the sum of three integers in any order.

Six is totally symmetrical, and symmetry is an important characteristic of the number. The divine geometry that regulates the material formations throughout the cosmos is expressed in the symmetry of 6.

The number 6 is known for being both harmonic and stable, which are two of its key traits. Nature uses the vibratory essence of 6 to communicate balance, beauty, and uniqueness when it wants to express balance, beauty, and uniqueness. The number 6 represents family, home, and all of your responsibilities in this area of your life. We might also interpret number 6 as a reminder to pay extra attention to and comfort your loved ones. The number 6 reminds us to be responsible with our lives and be kind to others, what I believe is going to be the key to the future that is coming.

Virgo is the sixth zodiac sign, and Venus, the planet associated with this number, is named for the Greco-Roman goddess of love.

Though Venus is the astronomical body connected with the number 6, the Tarot card The Lovers is related with Gemini, making the number 6 elementally aligned with air and earth. Those with a lot of 6 energy in their numerological charts are gentle, kind, compassionate, nurturing, and have an odd and captivating fascination about them. Are you starting to see a pattern here? The number 6 is associated with kindness and compassion what is going to be essential to move into the 5th dimension. The angel number 6 is a symbol of balance, which again is a harmonic truth to nature as everything reaches balance eventually. People that come into contact with angel number 6 experience serenity and harmony. Number 6 will reveal the truth about all of life's experiences. It is most commonly observed in the darkest moments of our lives, when we require more light than ever.

Pay attention the last sentence here, the number 6 will reveal the truth about all of life’s experiences!!

2022 adds up to 6. Ask yourself, have you been feeling like something big is coming? It’s because it is. This is the year of change the big change we have been expecting. Pay attention to your thoughts and listen to your heart. Ask yourself if this resonates with you?

Understanding your position in Space Time and learn how to activate your true manifestation abilities

Many of us don’t understand that in order to manifest things in our lives, we have to first correct our chakras and correct the directions that they are spinning even if they are wide open. Manifestation has to do not just with just being in the proper state of mind but also in the correct position in time space in relation to the moon and the sun. This is what Tesla was talking about when he said if you want to understand the universe you must think in terms of energy and vibration. He also said the key to this is understanding 3, 6, 9. Many of us try to go out and communicate with other beings but we get lost and disconnected because we aren't telling the universe our central location in relation to the sun and the moon and we aren't putting ourselves into the equation. Tesla knew of the importance of the number three and many other people of the time did. It could make more sense to use real-world examples, such as an atom made up of three subatomic particles (proton, neutron, and electron), or the Holy Trinity (God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit) as described in the Bible. There were three gods in Egyptian mythology who symbolized heaven, earth, and the abyss and the sun and the moon and earth.

It's vital to remember that Einstein claimed to believe in "Spinoza's God," or that he associated God with Nature. As a result, Einstein hinted at grasping the cosmic instructions with which Nature informs the universe how to work by using the metaphor "mind of God." Take note of what's being suggested. The number 3 is the only one that matches the total of all the numbers before it (0 + 1 + 2 = 3). Also, when you add 3 to itself, you get the lowest perfect number (6). When you square three, you get the number 9, which is the number that completes the decimal system's single-digit numbers. In brief, because mathematics is the language of the universe and numbers are the essence of mathematics, number theory just repeats the famous Latin phrase: Omne trium perfectum ('everything that comes in threes is perfect, or every set of three is complete'). Given these statements, when the Big Bang happened, the triplets of space, time, and matter, as well as the three components of the cosmos (dark energy, dark matter, and normal matter), exploded into existence. After then, space was divided into three dimensions, time was divided into three stages, and matter was divided into three states. Of course, antimatter found an equal and opposite response to every spec of matter that arose. The nascent Universe could not have begun its long-awaited development until such binary opposition found its synthesis in that all-important "and one" — resulting in three creatures. The three generations of quarks and leptons arose as a result, not to mention the three sorts of color change. Three quarks reside in a proton and three quarks reside in a neutron. Neutrons, protons, and electrons are the three primary components of an atom.

Take a deeper look at the connection between the ocean of creation, the eclipse, and the interplay of life's malefic and benign capacities. You need to learn how to use practical breath and body practices to tune in to the great lights every day and match your life with deeper cosmic patterns! Examine the relationship between these concepts and the sun and the moon in relation to yourself, the 3, 6, 9. How do we do this?

The first step is this. I want you to tune into your heart center and find out what direction you are traveling. If you perceive your higher dimensional aspects as going counter clockwise you are going into negative feedback loops or dark systems of operation. You will want to recalibrate your position and find your center, activate your higher line dimensional awareness through this center line activation. How do we do this? We ground and stop the counter clockwise spin by releasing all attachments to self. The best way to do this is a meditation called line activation that you can find on you tube. This line activation is used to access the Akashic Records or the infinite records of all that has existed and ever will. Think about this line activation principle. If you have to do this to be properly aligned in order to access this very sacred knowledge, its clear you have to be properly aligned to travel anywhere in space time.

Now moving to the second step we must look at how things are created. Namely dark and light. Think yin and yang. Where there is dark, there is light and vice versa. When we examine the animal kingdom we see almost all species migrating clockwise. This migration is often directed by wind and weather patterns that help herds preserve energy, or by solar paths that control their migrations, according to experts. For humans, it's not much different. When you travel in a clockwise manner, you align yourself with the physical universe (sunwise), and therefore you grow closer to enlightenment by mirroring the motion of the sun. Moving in a counter-clockwise direction opposes the stream of light and physicality, evoking otherworldly energies. For light rituals, you circle and move clockwise, while for dark rituals, you circle and move counterclockwise. The magnetic cycles in the Southern Hemisphere are the polar opposite of those in the Northern Hemisphere, but the sun still rises in the east and sets in the west, so the motions should be the same. Once you have activated your position line center, you will have recalibrated your spin through balance. You will need to notice the colors you see and make sure you say the words “I am Here”this tells your higher self and the other beings you are in your center and you will initiate communication and are in your own space in relation to the sun and the moon. We will then activate the clockwise spin into light and activate manifestation energy of the vortex. This is as simple as setting the intention properly but you must first stop any directional spin and maintain that line for a minute or two. After activating your line start chanting Sat Nam and start fire breath (quick in and out panting) for 2 minutes. Most people find it hard to stop the monkey mind from interfering in the rotational spin and this is usually enough time to stop the spin. Once you feel the spin has stopped and you are at equilibrium. You can slowly activate the clockwise spin. I want to emphasize the fact that you do not want to let the spin go too fast it needs to start slowly and maintain a positive consistent spin. Every day when you wake up you will want to tune into your heart center and see what direction you’re spinning. Some people can revert back to the negative spin or counter clockwise direction but if you’re doing this exercise every day and constantly changing your directional spin you will move into the vortex of manifestation and positive energy where you can effect your life and the lives of others through your thoughts alone. You will also find the more you practice this you will begin to set your inner clicking systems properly and start your day off with gusto and energy instead of dragging yourself out of bed.

Many thanks to General AI from YouTube’s SpaceTime Creator for inspiring this blog post. These concepts are a compilation of the many things I have learned since being activated and taking his class on YouTube.
Tune in today on my YouTube channel for a live interview with General AI at 2PM CST. You won’t want to miss this one!

Common Themes to Expect December 2021


Right now on this earth there are a lot of energies that are causing everyone to feel very off balance. If you are questioning everything, you aren't alone. Quite a few of us have been carrying heavy burdens for a long time. There is this prescribed notion of how how life should or shouldn't be. There may be a karmic relationship that has been very beautiful and has has taught us many lessons but it might be time to part ways. Those things that aren't in vibrational alignment will no longer be able to stay in your space. Even coming close to your partner that you never really had conflict with before will seem to trigger them endlessly. No matter what you do, it will be wrong in their eyes. This is because the lunar eclipse will be in Taurus and this will effect your house and family or your relationships to be affected. Venus also goes retrograde on December 19, 2021 which will likely level most of you up while advancing heart healing and forgiveness. While it may be tough to let go of some of these relationships that you have held on to for so long you will know which ones are no longer serving you.


You will be challenged to rid yourself of fear and trepidation completely and to get rid of the blocks that have been affecting your energy. You will learn courage and trust and purge the problems that have been seemingly insurmountable until now. This has one caveat. You must be willing to do the work if you want the rewards. Tap into the protective angels and guides that are surrounding us at this moment in time. They are many and they are around us at all times, you simply need to call out to them and ask them to work with you at this time if you find yourself running into problems. Fear is experienced in your mind, but it triggers a strong physical reaction in your body. As soon as you recognize fear, your amygdala (small organ in the middle of your brain) goes to work. It sends an alarm to your nervous system which will put your fear response into action. Your body is preparing for for fight or flight mode, which is entirely unproductive. The fight or flight mode causes your gut to release stress hormones that slow or shut down body functions you don't need immediately to survive. The more frequently the fight or flight response is activated, the more likely it is to be activated again (it will take less to activate it and the response will likely be more forceful). This is not surprising. Think about times when you are already stressed and then something small happens, you lose it. This response also shuts down your peripheral vision so you can supposedly focus better but this restricts the vision in your periphery which can actually do more harm than good. Living in fear makes no real sense. On a purely physical level, fear lowers your vibration and actually makes you far more susceptible to the viruses you fear you might catch. By contrast, a growing body of evidence shows that having faith can help you stay well and thrive.


The message I keep getting very clearly is be discerning who you share your gifts with at this time. Don't shine your light so brightly that it attracts the moths. To quote from the Bible "Do not cast your pearls before swine”. If you are a sensitive person, do not surround yourself with a bunch of foreign energies you aren't sure of right now, it will literally throw you off balance. I was also told to nurture the seed of truth we have been given and do not share it with those who will not understand the message. While this was not true for last years energies, the shift has already been made and you cannot sway those who refuse to hear your words. So walk silently and give a smile and nod to those who understand because there will be an understanding and a knowing between you that doesn't require words. This next six months will be a time of great change. Some good some bad, but in the end we are many, we are strong and we are going to unite in truth. Those of us who are psychic readers will find it challenging as we cannot take on every client during this time. You will know their energy by their anxiety. They will be desperate to get a reading, help or understanding and will not care how they get it. These clients can be challenging right now because this is meant to be a time of purification and those not willing to do their own work will seek a leg up from those who have. As much as we would like to help them skip 10 steps in their journey, we cannot and we must be careful not to engage with those who do not understand this fundamental concept.


On December 24th, Saturn forms a square to Uranus, generating some friction. The root of this tension is a clash between our desire for freedom and spontaneity and our need for structure and stability. Rules and limitations are going to be harder to conform to with this transit and you will find more people refusing to do so. Contradicting energies will be emerging at the same time. Being conscious in how you feel and react to them is important as you have the power and are fully capable of shifting the frequencies to a higher one.. It’s part of your upgrade,, your mission and path that you have chosen. We are getting an increasingly large number of downloads at this time that may be overwhelming but if you just do what you know you should be doing you will be able to bring them through soon. By the end of May 2022 we should see a dramatic shift in the new earth. There will be two parties, one who conforms and one who does not. It will be up to you to chose your own path but most of you know the deeper meaning here. We are transitioning to a crystalline based energy and there are some who would prefer we stay carbon based. If we are carbon based we can be controlled, but not in our crystalline bodies. The crystalline energy that is integrating at this time is the foundation for this higher vibration. When I speak of the 5th dimension I am speaking of the crystalline body. A physical change like this takes place over a long time and cannot be done within a couple of months,  this change of the carbon structure into crystalline based structure has been taking place hundreds of years and many lifetimes. The process should be completed as the time comes for the earth to ascend.

Buckle up folks its going to be one hell of a ride! Welcome to the new earth!

Free Shadow Work Workbook

FREE for all of you!! The infamous shadow work compendium!!! Please pay attention to this and do the exercises. It will help you more than you will ever comprehend at this moment. Be honest, be rigorously honest with yourself. Then spend some time and work on this. Your friends, spouses, loved ones and colleagues will be grateful but most of all you will feel a sense of wholeness unlike ever before.

Copyright by: Kirsten Sandefur

What is your shadow?

 We all have biological needs, right? Food,
Safety, comfort and belonging are the most obvious ones. Well as children when we were scolded for certain behaviors or admonished for expressing parts of ourselves that didn't  fit into conventional customs or practices and those scoldings or punishments for acting in that manner threatened one of our basic needs. Maybe being scolded at home threatened our safety at home, or being reprimanded or laughed at in school threatened our sense of belonging. We therefore adjusted our behavior to gratify our needs and those parts of us that we were scolded for were put in a box and locked away. They never disappear though, they are very much a part of you and they comprise who you really are. Children accumulate that box of that un-accepted or discouraged parts and drag it around behind them but it is only out of view, it is still part of our subconscious.  When we deny any part of ourselves, we disown it but what we don't really consciously acknowledge is that it will turn against us if we continue to ignore it.  The shadow can operate completely on its own, with or without your consent. This is why we say things we don't mean when we are angry, why we say one thing but our body says something else entirely, we do things we wouldn't normally do and we let this seep in to affect our relationships and friendships. Whatever you ignore in yourself will show up in someone else, it's called projection. What we ignore we will project onto others because our ego uses it as a defense mechanism. These psychological distortions will distort your reality and give us a slanted view of who we really are. You want to know yourself completely, right? Sure you do, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this right now! Kudos to you for deciding to do this work. No one likes to discuss their flaws or insecurities but it is imperative if you want to heal yourself, be honest with yourself, love yourself and also love others wholeheartedly.

You are showing up for yourself  in this beautiful confident way and loving all of yourself, leaving no stone unturned. That deserves applause. You are far more courageous than most, who are content to leave the shadow buried. You know better, you understand that burying it will only cause it to rear its head in some other area of your life. You are shining light into the darkest corners of your psyche and looking for metaphorical monsters.  

You are a warrior of the  psyche and that’s epic! This will enable you to co create your own story, where you are the hero around which the narrative collides and unfurls. You are taking charge. 

No matter whether you sit down to conquer this all in one day or in short bursts, please make sure to finish it all. Establish a rhythm and set a date to finish it. 

Lean into this work and find a rhythym that feels effective to you.

I want you to please ground yourself before you begin. Clear your mind.I find chanting the mantra OM 30x is the most helpful. I also encourage you to be rigorously honest with yourself here.

Above all, remember that the time you spend  doing shadow work is a sacred gift to yourself  but also to the people in your life – everyone you  come across benefits from your sincere dedication to your personal development. Also, it will help you grow leaps and bounds in your own work and release fears and inhibitions you have suffered with your whole life.


When doing shadow work, a big part of the  journey is recognising those issues which get you upset or anxious or even  raise your blood pressure and make you feel  crappy. Identifying those things gives you the  power to begin working at the root of them. You can work to understand where certain fears,  complexes or negative behaviours originally came  from. Comprehending their genesis leads you to  see why they hold so much power over you and in your life now and how they keep making trouble for you! Some of your shadow material came from your childhood, it does for most people. It came from your family dynamics,  the parenting and guidance that you received from adults or your relationships with siblings.  Some came from key experiences which defined your response to the world around you. This could have been a death in the family, an  accident, some shocking news, an illness or an experience of bullying or abuse. Just as many seemingly small, uneventful things may have been absorbed into your psyche at a deep level and  ended up influencing your decisions or thoughts later in life. Shadow working helps you to see where your somatic injuries and complexes got their foothold in your psyche. This allows you to see the warning signs that accompany unwanted behavior.  Arming yourself with information about those warning signs means that you can accompany yourself into the tough times and understand how to help  yourself cope. As always remember, your shadow is a part of you. Love it as you do any portion of yourself.  Before you begin,  practice gratitude and thank your shadow. This is imperative for protection and healing your shadow.

1.How judged do you tend to feel on a daily basis? Explore how  much of that perceived judgement is real and how much is  imagined.

2. Take a look at the best and most enjoyable aspect of your life right now. What is your underlying fear in that area and why?  (for example if you love being with your significant other, what fear is just below the surface when it comes to loving your significant other, maybe it might be that they will cheat on you or leave you.

3. Write about the last time you tried to manipulate a situation to your advantage and examine how you feel about that in hindsight. 

4. Describe a scenario in which you feel that competition could be healthy and productive. Then describe a scenario in which competition could be toxic and unproductive. Finally, write about your emotional response to this exercise

5. What does it feel like to have your emotions belittled or  downplayed? Be as descriptive as possible and try writing about  specific examples from your own life too. 

6. Pinpoint something that's really frustrating/upsetting you at  the moment. Then send it unconditional love.

7. Write about the last time you ran away from your responsibilities. Consider why you did that and what the results were.

8. How can you begin to give other people more space and acceptance to be themselves around you? 

9. Do you expect others to conform to your beliefs? Why do you feel you need to have them conform and what scares you the most about allowing others to have their own beliefs in that particular area. 

10. What does the term "Superiority Complex" mean to you, and why? 

11. If you could say just one thing to the person who's hurt you the most right now, what would it be and why?  

12. If you could say just one thing to the person who's hurt you the most right now, what would it be and why? 

13. What does the word "punishment'' make you think of right now and why? 

14. Write about the different ways in which people have  expressed their anger or resentment in front of you over the last few months. What do you notice about their different modes of expression for these emotions? 

15. What's the one thing you know you need to do but keep avoiding? Write it down. Then write a step-by-step description of actually doing it. Include every action which would need to be involved in order to get it done. At the end of the exercise, explore how you feel.

16. When was the last time you witnessed distinctly self destructive behaviour? This can be something you have seen in yourself or in someone else. Describe it and the emotions it brought up for you at the time.

17. What was the last cruel thing you wanted to say to someone in order to make them feel bad about themselves or their actions?  Write it down and then explore your feelings about it. 

18. Whereabouts do you currently feel isolated and how are you dealing with that emotion? 

19. What aversion could I benefit from confronting? List at least three and describe what it would be like to confront them.

20. Describe a person you have strong negative reactions to and why. Then cross their name out and write your own and ask yourself what I am feeling that is similar. Why am I feeling this?

21. What do you currently envy in someone else's life and why?  

22. What am I truly afraid of and why? Trace the origin back to where the initial fears started. (For example, if you fear death, try to recall when this fear started. Was it someone passing away, did you hear an adult speak about it, did you hear about it in a religious institution?) Write what exactly this fear does to you and how have you benefitted or been disabled by this fear?

23. Which emotion do you tend to deal with in unhelpful/destructive ways? Write about the way you usually  deal with this troublesome emotion. Then write about what your life might be like if you dealt with it differently. 

24. Close your eyes. Take 4 cleansing breaths,( in for 4 seconds, hold at the top for 4 seconds, out for 4 seconds, hold at the bottom for 4 seconds) then repeat 3 more times. Clear your mind. Envision your inner child. Go and speak to her about what she wants to tell you. Write down what she says. 

25. Write about the biggest loss you have experienced this year. 

New Quantum Jumping Technique - Parallel Melding

I have discussed the idea of Quantum Jumping in this blog before but in this article we will get into a similar concept but with a slight variation. Instead of using mirrors or two cups you will simply use your imagination and a quiet mind. There is one other variation, in this type of Quantum Jumping you aren't going to take over the you in the parallel dimension you are simply going to meld with it. This allows you to continue on this timeline with the knowledge or ability to make changes to the you in this dimension. This way there is no chance you will change things so much that you aren't happy with the results. In the previous method I outlined how to essentially go to the place (even though there isn't such a place it is just a version of this world) where the you there has accomplished what you wish to accomplish, and you switch places essentially. There are a few flaws with that method. First, you can accidentally change something you didn't want to change just by jumping. The reason is, you cannot assume everything in that timeline is exactly like your life. That version of you was living out their own life which could be similar or very different from your own. It depends on what you are asking for. If you are looking to glean riches, the you that is wealthy would be living a very different life and probably have attracted very different people into your life as well. So it is not always possible to retain everything just as you would like it to be, until now! Secondly, because you were jumping to another dimension, you won't always remember that you made a jump and things can get very confusing. Thirdly, there is no need for mirrors or cups, here you will simply use your consciousness and trust to meet your parallel self and absorb their knowledge or success to meld the two timelines.

Magick exists naturally in the universe. If you understand the theory of the multiverse you will know that there is an infinite number of universes out there and not all of them follow the same laws of physics and such as we have here. Some are more advanced and have technologies that are far superior to the ones we currently use, while others are simply more developed consciously. If you understand the concept of inflation you know that the big bang happened and out of a singularity came practically infinite number of universes. Inflation means rapid expansion. Once inflation starts it will never stop, so this means the number of universes that exist, is in fact infinite. If you can wrap your head around that concept, you can understand there is a parallel you that exists at varying levels at the same time. The many worlds theory states that an electron doesn't just change places, it essentially makes copies of itself. The world branches into copies — one where the electron was here and you saw it here, another copy where the electron was there and you saw it there, and so forth. This is not just some crazy speculation, this is exactly what is predicted by the fundamental equation of quantum mechanics, the Schrödinger equation. So if the human body is made up of electrons, why can't this theory prove true in human beings? Now, many Quantum Physics professors would probably tell you different parts of the quantum wave function count as separate worlds. Once they come into existence, they go their own way. They don't interact with one another and they do their own thing totally separate from one another, hence they don't influence one another in any way. That is true, but that doesn't mean they cannot meet one another if the intention is there! So how do we seek out this parallel self? Let's say you want to learn to play the piano. In quantum jumping you can in fact jump to a you that is the Beethoven of their time on the piano. The possibilities are endless. You can use this to achieve money, talent, wisdom, resolve problems, get a job or a raise, bring an ex back, repel evil, gain protection, find your life purpose or whatever it may be that you would like to achieve. Again, as I have said before make sure this is something you truly want.

  1. Sage, say prayer of intention and protection (this can be whatever your normal ritual is but just make sure you are in a good head space and have cleansed your area of any negative debris that might alter things in a negative way)

  2. Sit alone where you will be undisturbed for at least 30 minutes

  3. Think of the problem you want to resolve

  4. State the intention to meet your parallel self that has resolved this issue or mastered something

  5. Sit with your eyes closed and calm your mind

  6. Picture a hallway with doors - each of the doorways represents a parallel life

  7. Go into the door that you are most drawn to - the scenery may likely change which is fine just make sure you walk through and close the door (just a precaution so nothing can follow)

  8. Find your parallel self and say hello and speak to them. Ask them how they have acquired the skills they have and find out whether or not they have information to impart or is it just something that will be gleaned when you absorb their power? How do they look, are they older or younger, what are they wearing?

  9. Picture yourself melding and becoming one with that parallel you as you absorb their energy

  10. Open your eyes - If you have done this correctly, you will now know how to acquire the information or you will have already have the knowledge.

This works, I assure you. The only way it won't work is if you don't believe it can. There are no real dangers or unforeseen consequences that I have observed besides your own state of mind. Make sure you are in a positive headspace and confident with what you want. The results will be very apparent when you are.

How to decalcify your pineal gland

Also known as the 3rd eye, the pineal gland is a small gland located in the brain whose energy is an integral part of your overall spiritual health. It taps into the greater energy that exists around us, opening our minds to the powers of the Universe. In doing so, it aligns us with this energy improving our own health. However, when you don’t properly care for your health and well-being, the pineal gland can be hindered or become calcified. This includes poor sleep quality, depression, and anxiety.

  1. Zeolite

    Toxins are found everywhere. From the air you breathe to the food you eat. Over time, these toxins build up in your body and wreak havoc on your health.

    Never-ending fatigue, brain fog, a weak immune system, and countless health issues are common side effects when these toxins build up. That’s why it’s essential to cleanse your body from toxins.

    a. Fortunately, zeolite is the Jedi master of detoxification. All thanks to its unique honeycomb-like crystalline structure.

    You see, each chamber within zeolite’s honeycomb-like structure has a negative charge. This negative charge attracts positively charged toxins like lead, mercury, or nitrosamines (1).

    In many ways, it’s like a magnet for toxins. So, when you take a properly cleansed zeolite supplement, it travels through your body trapping toxins in its “magnetized” honeycomb cage.

    And since your body doesn’t store zeolite, your body just excretes it once it’s bound to a toxin. That’s why zeolite is exceptionally effective at removing built-up toxins in your body.

    b. Alkalizes the Body

    Another well-known benefit of zeolite is its ability to help the body balance pH by providing alkalizing minerals AND supporting kidney function.

    Many foods (think white bread, rice, or any processed foods) are acid-forming in the body, while most green veggies are alkalizing to the body. Alcohol, pesticides, pollution, and even chronic stress also add to acidity.

    An overly acidic body shows signs of strain such as headaches, chronic inflammation, mood disorders, persistent fatigue, and much more.

    Alkalizing minerals help to buffer acid in the body. In a properly-cleansed zeolite, the alkalizing minerals calcium, potassium, and magnesium are inside the honeycomb cages. The zeolite cage gives the body the beneficial mineral and takes the bad toxin in exchange.

    The biggest role zeolite plays in alkalizing the body relates to how it helps the kidneys. Your kidneys maintain your internal pH. Yet many heavy metals impair kidney function (2).

    Since zeolite can help your body get rid of heavy metals, it supports optimal kidney health, so your kidneys can efficiently balance your body’s pH.

    c. Strengthens the Immune System

    Evidence suggests that the zeolite clinoptilolite can also bolster and regulate your immune system.

    This zeolite has specifically been shown to increase T-cell activity and increase the number of macrophages in the body—two cells essential for a healthy immune function.

    But the immune benefits don’t end there. Heavy metals can suppress your immune system, making your body vulnerable to pathogens and prone to autoimmune issues.

    This means zeolite can both increase the effectiveness of your immune system while simultaneously protecting it from heavy metals.

    d. Supports a Healthy Gut

    A leaky gut occurs when the lining of your intestinal wall has an increased permeability. This allows unwanted toxins and microbes to leak from your intestines into the bloodstream.

    The result is a weakened immune system, excessive fatigue, autoimmune issues, skin rashes, depression, and intense cravings for sugar or carbohydrates.

    And these symptoms only get worse over time if your leaky gut isn’t healed. The positive news is, evidence suggests that zeolite can support a healthy gut.

    One study found that just 12 weeks of zeolite supplementation can significantly increase the integrity of the intestinal wall

    e. May Improve Mood

    When heavy metals such as lead and mercury accumulate in your body, they can also negatively affect your mood.

    One study, for example, found that the mercury from amalgam dental fillings can result in depression, excessive anger, and problems with anxiety

    Many times, these issues are dismissed as resulting from “a stressful life” or a chemical imbalance instead of heavy metals. That’s because many signs of heavy metal accumulation are vague and can be mistaken for something else.

    Life can be stressful enough without heavy metals bringing you down. By helping to reduce the build-up of heavy metals, zeolites can support a positive mood.

    f. Protects the Body from Harmful Microbes

    Along with improving your immune health, zeolite is a powerful antimicrobial. This means it can fight potentially harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

    In fact, zeolites are so effective that they have been used to treat urinary tract infections (UTIs) and dental plaque formations. Both of which are caused by pathogenic microbes.

    Another study found that zeolite has antiviral properties due to its potential ability to absorb viral particles within the zeolite cages.

    Studies even suggest zeolite can reduce pathogenic bacteria. What makes zeolite even better is that it doesn’t have a negative effect on the beneficial microbes in your gut.

    What contains these heavy metals?

    • Food (pesticides, herbicides, chemical additives)

    • The air you breathe (pollutants)

    • Household items (couches, chairs, beds, paint, keys)

    • Water (a common source of heavy metals)

    The problem is, since there are so many ways you can get exposed to toxins, they build up in the body over time. That’s when even bigger problems arise.

    Even in small amounts, these toxins can impair memory, negatively affect your gut health, plummet your energy levels, and make it hard to lose weight.

    While it’s definitely a good idea to avoid toxins as best you can, it’s downright impossible to avoid them all. That’s why cleansing these toxins from your body is essential. It also decalcifies your pineal gland!


Shilajit is a blackish-brownish resin rich in minerals that comes from layers of rock in several mountain ranges throughout the world, including the Himalayan, Tibetan, and Altai mountains. Shilajit is thought to form, in part, from the decomposition of certain plants and contains an important compound known as fulvic acid. One of many herbal mineral formulations (Rasaoushadhies) used in Ayurveda—a healing system that originated thousands of years ago in India—shilajit has been used in some traditional herbal medicine to treat a wide variety of conditions, ranging from bone fractures to impotence. Shilajit is available in dietary supplement form. The supplement is  a natural remedy for the following health problems:

  • Anemia

  • Chronic pain

  • Diabetes

  • Digestive disorders

  • Eczema

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Ulcerative colitis

  • Prevent Alzheimers

  • Prevent bone density loss

  • Alleviate anxiety and oxidative stress

  • Give you energy and prevent chronic fatigue syndrome

  • Naturally boost your mitochondrial function

  • Naturally protects against free radicals and cellular damage which slows down aging process overall better health

Shilajit is said to strengthen bones and protect against osteoporosis. Some proponents also claim that shilajit can act as an adaptogen, a class of substances said to boost the body's resistance to free radicals


a. Promoting thyroid health

Iodine plays a vital role in thyroid health. Your thyroid gland, which is located at the base of the front of your neck, helps regulate hormone production. These hormones control your metabolism, heart health, and more.To make thyroid hormones, your thyroid takes up iodine in small amounts. Without iodine, thyroid hormone production can decrease. A “low” or underactive thyroid gland can lead to a condition called hypothyroidism.Given the wide availability of iodine in western diets, thyroid health isn’t typically impacted by low iodine levels in the United States. You can get enough iodine from your diet by eating dairy products, fortified foods, and salt water fish. Iodine is also available in plant foods that grow in naturally iodine-rich soil. You also can get the mineral by seasoning your food with iodized salt.

While iodine promotes overall thyroid health, too much iodine can have a negative effect on the thyroid gland. That’s why you shouldn’t take iodine supplements without your doctor’s recommendation.

b. Reducing risk for some goiters

c. Managing overactive thyroid gland

d. Treating thyroid cancer

Radioiodine may also be a possible treatment option for thyroid cancer. It works in much the same way as hyperthyroid treatment. When you take radioactive iodine orally, the medication destroys thyroid cells, including cancerous ones. It may be used as a treatment following thyroid surgery to make sure all cancerous cells have been removed from the body. According to the American Cancer Society, radioactive iodine treatments significantly improve the chances of survival for people with thyroid cancer.

e. Improving cognitive function

f. May help treat fibrocystic breast disease

It’s possible that iodine supplements or medications can help treat fibrocystic breast disease. This non-cancerous condition is most common in women of reproductive age, and it can cause painful breast lumps. Although there is some promise that iodine might help with fibrocystic breast cysts, you shouldn’t attempt self-treatment. Only take iodine for this condition if your doctor specifically recommends it. Otherwise, you could be at risk of side effects from iodine toxicity.

g. Disinfecting water

Iodine is just one method of water disinfection. This may be especially helpful if you don’t have access to potable water due to traveling or effects from a natural disaster. Two percent liquid iodine tincture may be added to water in five-drop increments per one quart of clear water. If the water is cloudy, add ten drops per quart. Iodine tablets may also be used, but the instructions can vary by manufacturer. Despite the role iodine can play in disinfecting drinking water, there’s also some concerns that it can increase total iodine intake in humans and lead to adverse health effects. Total iodine intake shouldn’t exceed 2 mg per day

h. Protection from nuclear fallout

In the case of nuclear emergencies, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends the use of potassium iodide (KI) to protect the thyroid gland from radiation injuries. These are available in tablet and liquid formulas. While not completely foolproof, the sooner KI is taken, the better the thyroid is thought to be protected in the event of this kind of emergency. There are serious risks associated with KI, including gastrointestinal upset, inflammation, and allergic reaction. You’re also at increased risk for thyroid disease. Your risk for complications is higher if you already have thyroid disease.

i. Treating infections

Iodine can be used topically in a liquid form to help treat and prevent infections. It works by killing bacteria in and around mild cuts and scrapes.

Symptoms of iodine deficiency

Iodine deficiency can only be diagnosed via urine tests.

The symptoms of low iodine levels are primarily detected through thyroid symptoms, such as:

  • a visible goiter

  • thyroid gland that’s painful or tender to the touch

  • breathing difficulties, especially when lying down

  • difficulty swallowing

  • fatigue

  • extreme feelings of coldness, despite normal temperatures

  • hair loss

  • depression

  • brain fog

  • unintentional weight gain

4. Irish Sea Moss

Eating chlorophyll rich ‘superfoods like blue-green algae and Irish Sea moss will help decalcify your pineal gland. It's a bit like vegetables but Irish sea moss is a more potent healers. It also

Ehances thyroid function 

Reduces joint pain

Decalcifies your pineal

Supports immune system and fights infection

Supports heart health

Helps control appetite

Provides 92 out of 102 essential minerals required by the body

Contains taurine essential amino acid

Promotes mental and emotional well being

Natural decongestant

Soothes digestive tract

Supports sexual health because of red algae

5. Get a good water filtration system or invest in a pitcher that gets rid of heavy metals and fluoride. Clearly Filtered water pitcher filters out fluoride and forever chemicals and has been independently tested to remove fluoride, lead and PFAS/PFOA (the "forever chemicals") and over 230 unique contaminants commonly found in tap water all across the country. Fluoride is known to calcify the pineal gland so this is an important investment in your pineal gland health. Those Brita filters everyone thinks are all the rave aren't actually getting rid of any of these chemicals. The filter pitcher is made with 100% BPA-free Tritan that's approved for contact with water and will never leach chemicals.