mirror method

How To Dimension Jump

How To Dimension Jump

Many versions of you exists in multiple dimensions. The worst version of yourself all the way to the best version of yourself. This is considered although not coined here “Dimension Jumping”, “Timeline Jumping”, “Quantum Jumping” “Dimension Leaping” “Timeline Shifting” or quite simply “DJing”. Linear Time is an illusion. A timeline consists of many parallel realities frames that are experienced from a specific point of view. You can jump timelines by finding the vibration of where you want to go. Ultimately you are lining up with the experiences you want to have and letting go of the need to learn from past failures and through them and are adapting. More specifically, you are detaching from yourself in order to allow a formatting shift and triggering a replacement (either by deliberate intending or accidental alignment via mood association) either through the mirror method, two cups method, Memory Block exploration via The Infinite Grid and Hall of Records -metaphor restructuring, Neville Goddard’s approach based on ideas about the serial universe, Ebony Apu and the Hawk and Jackal System of multidimensional magic or through the direct creation of synchronicity (Kirby Suprise’s book Syncronicity).One of the most difficult things to grasp is the change in the concept of what “you” are. No matter what experience you appear to be having right now you are still conscious open space..you cannot NOT be this. You might take on the shape of this or that world but like a pool of water that has become rippled you are still that water.