Summoning Hathor

Most of you have heard of Chris Bledsoe’s story of the lady. I believe that this is the same energy as the Goddess Hathor.

If you wish to call on her and have her enter your space There are a few things you should do. Please note this is a summoning ritual, and it will only work if you have a completely open heart and benevolent intentions to grow and to learn from this amazing goddess.Ritual of Invocation for Hathor


• Two candles (one gold, one blue)

• Incense (preferably myrrh or frankincense)

• A small mirror or a piece of turquoise

• Offerings (such as music, dance, or sweet foods like dates or honey)

• A bowl of water


1. Create a Sacred Space: Arrange a clean, quiet area comfortably. Place the mirror or turquoise in the center as a symbol of Hathor’s presence. This is surrounded by the bowl of water, which reflects her nurturing aspects.

2. Candle Arrangement: Place the gold candle to represent her luminescence and beauty and the blue candle to symbolize her celestial connection as the sky goddess.

3. Incense Burning: Light incense to purify the space and create an atmosphere conducive to divine presence. She loves either frankincense or myrrh.

Invocation Ritual:

1. Opening Words: Begin by stating your intention clearly, for example:

• “O great Hathor, lady of the sky, joy, and love, I call upon you.”

2. Light the Candles: As you light each candle, focus on the attributes of Hathor you wish to invoke:

• Light the gold candle saying, “Hathor, whose golden light brings joy and beauty.”

• Light the blue candle saying, “Hathor, endless sky, your compassion embraces the world.”

3. Offering: Present your offerings while singing, playing music, or simply expressing words of adoration and request. You then  say:

Nekhbet Hathor, Heryt-ib sen nefer, Ankhet en kemet.

Djed-medu en Hathor neb.t mery.t, neferet weret,

Heneket ka.k neb senet.

I offer these gifts as a token of my devotion and in celebration of your magnificent grace.

Here is a rough translation of this prayer in Egyptian:

• Nekhbet (Nekh-bet) - Hail

• Hathor (Ha-thor) - Hathor

• Heryt-ib (Her-yit-ib) - Mistress of the heart

• Sen nefer (Sen nef-er) - of beauty

• Ankhet en kemet (An-khet en ke-met) - Life of Egypt

• Djed-medu (Jed-med-u) - Words spoken

• Neb.t mery.t (Neb-t mer-y.t) - great beloved

• Neferet weret (Nef-er-et wer-et) - great beauty

• Heneket ka.k (He-ne-ket ka-k) - Sustain my spirit

• Neb senet (Neb sen-et) - all my days

Next If you would like to call her in: Iri-nefert Hathor, Nefer-hetepet weret,

Em-khak neferu, Ankhet kau en Heret.

Henk-ef en Heru, iw.f hna.i em akhet.

Rough translation: Come in peace, Hathor, great of favor,

With beautiful offerings, life of the house.

Join me as a companion, be with me in the horizon.

4. Water Blessing: Dip your fingers in the bowl of water and bless the room.

5. Mirror or Turquoise Invocation: Gaze into the mirror or touch the turquoise, visualize Hathor’s presence, and say:

• “Goddess of beauty and protectress of homes, bless this sacred space with your presence. Grant me (state your specific desire).”

6. Closing the Ritual: Thank Hathor for her attention:

• “Senebty Hathor, Heryt-nebet nefret.

Ha ankhi, djed en etj.

Renpet neferet, em hotep.

Shesep en ra, seneb en pa.” Translation: Farewell Hathor, Mistress of every beauty.

Remain in life, stable and established.

A beautiful year, in peace.

Receiving the sun, health to the body

7. Extinguish the Candles: Gently blow out the candles, affirming that her spirit remains though the lights dim.

Post-Ritual Reflection:

• Spend a few moments in quiet contemplation or meditation, absorbing the energies invoked and considering any insights received.

Such a ritual not only honors the goddess but aligns the practitioner with her attributes, ensuring that the invocation is both respectful and potent.

How to understand timelines

Visualize the earth as a tall tree where each decision, each action and each event sprouts a new branch in the infinite tree of reality. This is the realm of multiple timelines, an intricate Multiverse of possibilities where each conceivable path exists.

Each individual has the possibility to view these timelines, but how many timelines you can view is in direct relation to your level of consciousness. The more elevated your consciousness, the more timelines you can perceive. The more conscious you are and the more work you have done to heal your core wounds, the more influence you will have on the collective timeline. The more conscious you are the more weight your thoughts carry in the main earth timeline. In this‘Time Tree,’ individual timelines merge with Earth’s principal pathways. Those who feel bound to the 3D realm, constrained by the traditional laws of space and time, might find it challenging to transcend or navigate across these timelines. Yet, Earth itself is on a journey, constantly evolving along one of its potential timelines - sometimes harmonious, leading to peace and unity, or tumultuous, veering towards challenge and discord depending on millions of factors.

Contrary to popular belief, concepts like ‘the Rapture’ or ‘Armageddon’ are profoundly misunderstood from a dimensional standpoint. It’s not about being suddenly transported to another realm; it’s a gradual process. Souls may choose to ascend from this 3D reality to higher dimensions, or they might stay, continuing their journey here, each at their own pace.Timelines are fluid, ever-shifting, and not linear. Let’s say, for example, I wanted to look at the timelines for extraterrestrial contact, and I see those timelines converging and then I bring in a reality where I let somebody convince me that extraterrestrial don’t exist. I completely close out that timeline for myself but there are millions of other people who are still open to this timeline, so it doesn’t completely shut it out. It’s important to distinguish between ‘possible’ and ‘probable’ futures, especially in predictions. Numerous universal timelines run parallel, yet there’s always one dominant, most ‘probable’ timeline.

Consider the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East These regions, rich in vortex portals, act as amplifiers of human thoughts and emotions. Here, every sentiment, whether of peace or conflict, is intensified, spiraling through these energetic gateways. This is why significant spiritual and religious sites are often found along these lines.

The transition to a 5D reality is underway, driven by the collective desire for truth and change. It’s about the power of intention and thought. When focused on specific goals, desires, or outcomes, we have the potential to steer not only our personal timelines but also influence humanity’s collective path.

The collective consciousness of humanity holds immense power. When unified in thought and belief, we can usher in monumental shifts in our global timeline. And within the realm of quantum mechanics, where all possibilities exist simultaneously, our focused consciousness can materialize specific realities, shaping our shared future.

This journey through timelines and dimensions reflects our collective power and potential. Our choices, beliefs, and intentions are not just personal; they shape the very fabric of our shared reality.

2022 the numerology behind the importance of this year in our future!

222 equals six. “So God created man in His own image…Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So, the evening and the morning were the sixth day.” Genesis 1:27,31

God, is in essence a math nerd. I often seem to come across specific numbers throughout the Bible, such as 7, 12, and 3. But then I noticed the number 6, and knowing that every word and number in the Bible has a meaning, I became intrigued as to what it could represent.

The number 6 turns out to have a lot of significance. It's not only historical, either. It's also foreshadowing. Since it became associated with the Biblical Number of the Beast 666, the number 6 has earned a terrible rap. The truth regarding the number 6 is, however, rather different.

The vibratory nature of each number is unique. This essence resembles a personality or a set of characteristics that resonates with that number regardless of where it appears. Six is the first perfect number, which means it is both the sum and product of its factors:

6 = 1 + 2 + 3

6 = 1 X 2 X 3

Six is the smallest non-prime and non-square number.
The smallest perfect number is six.

Six is the only root number that can be written as the sum of three integers in any order.

Six is totally symmetrical, and symmetry is an important characteristic of the number. The divine geometry that regulates the material formations throughout the cosmos is expressed in the symmetry of 6.

The number 6 is known for being both harmonic and stable, which are two of its key traits. Nature uses the vibratory essence of 6 to communicate balance, beauty, and uniqueness when it wants to express balance, beauty, and uniqueness. The number 6 represents family, home, and all of your responsibilities in this area of your life. We might also interpret number 6 as a reminder to pay extra attention to and comfort your loved ones. The number 6 reminds us to be responsible with our lives and be kind to others, what I believe is going to be the key to the future that is coming.

Virgo is the sixth zodiac sign, and Venus, the planet associated with this number, is named for the Greco-Roman goddess of love.

Though Venus is the astronomical body connected with the number 6, the Tarot card The Lovers is related with Gemini, making the number 6 elementally aligned with air and earth. Those with a lot of 6 energy in their numerological charts are gentle, kind, compassionate, nurturing, and have an odd and captivating fascination about them. Are you starting to see a pattern here? The number 6 is associated with kindness and compassion what is going to be essential to move into the 5th dimension. The angel number 6 is a symbol of balance, which again is a harmonic truth to nature as everything reaches balance eventually. People that come into contact with angel number 6 experience serenity and harmony. Number 6 will reveal the truth about all of life's experiences. It is most commonly observed in the darkest moments of our lives, when we require more light than ever.

Pay attention the last sentence here, the number 6 will reveal the truth about all of life’s experiences!!

2022 adds up to 6. Ask yourself, have you been feeling like something big is coming? It’s because it is. This is the year of change the big change we have been expecting. Pay attention to your thoughts and listen to your heart. Ask yourself if this resonates with you?