
The Amazing Power of Shungite


What is Shungite?

Shungite is a scarce, unique mineral that is immensely powerful. For those who have worked with it, you know its potential goes beyond anything mankind can comprehend. Shungite has been around since the pre cambarin age which is approximately 2.5 billion years.  Shungite originates from the Republic of Karelia in Russia, it has been used there since the 17th century by Peter the Great as a form of medicine that purifies and cleanses the water.  We now know its energy goes much deeper and purifies not only water but blood brining the body back to its pristine cellular level.  This is the level we as humans are intended to operate on but darker forces have intervened and taken much of our innate energy to turn us into subservient beings.  Shungite is  made of C60 fullerene  - which is 60 carbon like atoms that are in the shape of  a soccer ball. It is a sub nano particle it effortlessly moves through cell membranes and enters the mitochondria. The c60 is 172 times stronger than any antioxidant and naturally reduces inflammation.  This is considered the “Powehouse"of antioxadants , antihistamine and antiviral agent. In early 2020 a blue meteorite exploded directly over the 800 square miles of the Shungite deposit that had arrived 2.5 billion years ago carrying a carbon composite that left nuggets, rocks, boulders and compact areas 200-400 feet deep. What are the odds of two meteorites hitting exactly the same location? This coincidental event was surrounded by other synchronicities that lead to the conclusion a new energy has been integrated into the World Grid.  We believe this energy has the power to raise the collective vibration enough to change the trajectory we are currently on and uplift humanity as a whole. The power of this stone lies in its ability to restructure our DNA and allows us to reconnect to our  gifts that have been taken from us in an attempt to control and dominate.  

Shungite is a stone that will uplift you but will also point out your deepest flaws. It is not a stone to be used lightly. If you are seeking absolute truth and want real change in your life that goes deeper than you have gone before this is a stone you should look to. It is not for the faint of heart, buyer beware. If you ask however it will not disappoint. This is a stone that should be used with reverence and respect as it holds the key to decades of knowledge and truth. It is a stone that compares spiritually to Moldavite, these two in my opinion are the most powerful stones that appear on earth today.

If you are ready to be honest with yourself this is a stone you should add to your collection. Understand however, it will not be "just one of your crystals". If you allow it to it will change your world in every way possible. It will take you point of being the most fundamentally aware you have ever been and it will offer you clear awareness of how you got there. Don't misunderstand it does this with absolute love but it does not do it gently. It will bring about spiritual growth at a very rapid rate. Make sure you are ready for the truth.

If you are looking for a reputable place to purchase your Shungite, this is the only place I buy any of my Shungite.