
New Quantum Jumping Technique - Parallel Melding

I have discussed the idea of Quantum Jumping in this blog before but in this article we will get into a similar concept but with a slight variation. Instead of using mirrors or two cups you will simply use your imagination and a quiet mind. There is one other variation, in this type of Quantum Jumping you aren't going to take over the you in the parallel dimension you are simply going to meld with it. This allows you to continue on this timeline with the knowledge or ability to make changes to the you in this dimension. This way there is no chance you will change things so much that you aren't happy with the results. In the previous method I outlined how to essentially go to the place (even though there isn't such a place it is just a version of this world) where the you there has accomplished what you wish to accomplish, and you switch places essentially. There are a few flaws with that method. First, you can accidentally change something you didn't want to change just by jumping. The reason is, you cannot assume everything in that timeline is exactly like your life. That version of you was living out their own life which could be similar or very different from your own. It depends on what you are asking for. If you are looking to glean riches, the you that is wealthy would be living a very different life and probably have attracted very different people into your life as well. So it is not always possible to retain everything just as you would like it to be, until now! Secondly, because you were jumping to another dimension, you won't always remember that you made a jump and things can get very confusing. Thirdly, there is no need for mirrors or cups, here you will simply use your consciousness and trust to meet your parallel self and absorb their knowledge or success to meld the two timelines.

Magick exists naturally in the universe. If you understand the theory of the multiverse you will know that there is an infinite number of universes out there and not all of them follow the same laws of physics and such as we have here. Some are more advanced and have technologies that are far superior to the ones we currently use, while others are simply more developed consciously. If you understand the concept of inflation you know that the big bang happened and out of a singularity came practically infinite number of universes. Inflation means rapid expansion. Once inflation starts it will never stop, so this means the number of universes that exist, is in fact infinite. If you can wrap your head around that concept, you can understand there is a parallel you that exists at varying levels at the same time. The many worlds theory states that an electron doesn't just change places, it essentially makes copies of itself. The world branches into copies — one where the electron was here and you saw it here, another copy where the electron was there and you saw it there, and so forth. This is not just some crazy speculation, this is exactly what is predicted by the fundamental equation of quantum mechanics, the Schrödinger equation. So if the human body is made up of electrons, why can't this theory prove true in human beings? Now, many Quantum Physics professors would probably tell you different parts of the quantum wave function count as separate worlds. Once they come into existence, they go their own way. They don't interact with one another and they do their own thing totally separate from one another, hence they don't influence one another in any way. That is true, but that doesn't mean they cannot meet one another if the intention is there! So how do we seek out this parallel self? Let's say you want to learn to play the piano. In quantum jumping you can in fact jump to a you that is the Beethoven of their time on the piano. The possibilities are endless. You can use this to achieve money, talent, wisdom, resolve problems, get a job or a raise, bring an ex back, repel evil, gain protection, find your life purpose or whatever it may be that you would like to achieve. Again, as I have said before make sure this is something you truly want.

  1. Sage, say prayer of intention and protection (this can be whatever your normal ritual is but just make sure you are in a good head space and have cleansed your area of any negative debris that might alter things in a negative way)

  2. Sit alone where you will be undisturbed for at least 30 minutes

  3. Think of the problem you want to resolve

  4. State the intention to meet your parallel self that has resolved this issue or mastered something

  5. Sit with your eyes closed and calm your mind

  6. Picture a hallway with doors - each of the doorways represents a parallel life

  7. Go into the door that you are most drawn to - the scenery may likely change which is fine just make sure you walk through and close the door (just a precaution so nothing can follow)

  8. Find your parallel self and say hello and speak to them. Ask them how they have acquired the skills they have and find out whether or not they have information to impart or is it just something that will be gleaned when you absorb their power? How do they look, are they older or younger, what are they wearing?

  9. Picture yourself melding and becoming one with that parallel you as you absorb their energy

  10. Open your eyes - If you have done this correctly, you will now know how to acquire the information or you will have already have the knowledge.

This works, I assure you. The only way it won't work is if you don't believe it can. There are no real dangers or unforeseen consequences that I have observed besides your own state of mind. Make sure you are in a positive headspace and confident with what you want. The results will be very apparent when you are.

Shine Your Light! Be the hope for Humanity!

I don’t often speak about prophetic things because somehow people will find a way to ignore it, swipe it under the pillow or to flat out challenge my sanity. I’m cool with all of that but for the folks who are actually listening - we are in the end times. Cataclysmic events have befallen earth many times before and they will happen again. In our lifetime? Maybe. That isn’t really my point though. This isn’t a doomsday rant it’s simply a warning to check yourself. How are you living? Are you speaking your truth? Are you truly happy? Are you open minded or dismissive of others? Are you speaking up about the lies we have been fed or are you just waiting for others to initiate it before you follow suit? The one thing I’ve learned about raising my daughter is this generation of children are bold, inquisitive and they are leaders. Beyond my generation of starseeds this generation are the seeds of a new beginning. If we water them, give them positive energy, speak to them about the truth, lift them up and nurture them they will turn this place right around. Do we need to wait for their cue? I don’t think so. There are enough of us who actively know the truth but most of us can’t handle it so we battle addictions, drown our sorrows and hide in wait until someone prompts us to come forward. What are we waiting for? If the whole pandemic wasn’t enough to show you that we are sitting ducks unless we stand tall and let our freak flag fly so to speak then I’m not sure this post is for you. These are end times for some people but it doesn’t have to be. What do I mean exactly? If you have this nagging suspicion that something is just not right with things start asking questions. Don’t accept the status quo. Don’t accept that you are a sheep among wolves. We are all wolves given the right circumstances. Stand up and take back your sovereignty. Don’t let others get walked on and walk by as though you didn’t notice. Don’t be afraid to speak your truth because you might look crazy to others. Shit is Crazy Right now folks! This is the craziest it’s been. So If something doesn’t jive with you start asking why and question everything. Only truth will set Us all free. We are not slaves, we are not meant to live in fear. We can either wait around for our children to do it for us or we can do it ourselves. My vote is on our generation. There are enough of us here who know there is a better way and live happy, healthy lives no matter what sort of chaos is going on externally. We refuse to internalize any of it. I live in a state of eternal peace and optimism. I’m not some airy fairy head in the clouds type of woman either, I am just a grounded beacon of light that refuses to let anyone cast their darkness onto my path. This isn’t naive either it is just a place I choose to live in so that I can do the job I came to earth to do. Shine my light so bright others will notice and will seek the answers for themselves. When you live in this space it is easy to manifest your desires and it is easy to be at peace because the monkey mind is turned off and the chatter doesn’t break through my shielding. It has taken me 43 years to get here but it doesn’t have to take you that long. I didn’t know there was a better way. There is though and don’t take my word for it start speaking truth and questioning everything. Start meditating daily and twice daily. Things will turn around so much quicker for you in months if you just put in a little work. Stand tall and don’t be afraid to be different or weird. Be someone who won’t just take orders without asking why. Ask those hard questions and ask them often, then meditate on them. I promise you will get the truth. Weirdness will then ensue but it will be a epic weirdness that you cannot turn your back on. Humanity will follow all of our leads so stand up now and let’s lead those not in the know to a better existence. Let’s be the leaders that do it right. Let’s be the leaders who fear nothing. This is who you were born to be!

How to Sense Your Energy

How to Sense Your Energy

What’s important is to simply become aware of what your energy feels like to you..

The best way to start is by creating an anchor for your mind to hook onto. First,