
Understanding your position in Space Time and learn how to activate your true manifestation abilities

Many of us don’t understand that in order to manifest things in our lives, we have to first correct our chakras and correct the directions that they are spinning even if they are wide open. Manifestation has to do not just with just being in the proper state of mind but also in the correct position in time space in relation to the moon and the sun. This is what Tesla was talking about when he said if you want to understand the universe you must think in terms of energy and vibration. He also said the key to this is understanding 3, 6, 9. Many of us try to go out and communicate with other beings but we get lost and disconnected because we aren't telling the universe our central location in relation to the sun and the moon and we aren't putting ourselves into the equation. Tesla knew of the importance of the number three and many other people of the time did. It could make more sense to use real-world examples, such as an atom made up of three subatomic particles (proton, neutron, and electron), or the Holy Trinity (God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit) as described in the Bible. There were three gods in Egyptian mythology who symbolized heaven, earth, and the abyss and the sun and the moon and earth.

It's vital to remember that Einstein claimed to believe in "Spinoza's God," or that he associated God with Nature. As a result, Einstein hinted at grasping the cosmic instructions with which Nature informs the universe how to work by using the metaphor "mind of God." Take note of what's being suggested. The number 3 is the only one that matches the total of all the numbers before it (0 + 1 + 2 = 3). Also, when you add 3 to itself, you get the lowest perfect number (6). When you square three, you get the number 9, which is the number that completes the decimal system's single-digit numbers. In brief, because mathematics is the language of the universe and numbers are the essence of mathematics, number theory just repeats the famous Latin phrase: Omne trium perfectum ('everything that comes in threes is perfect, or every set of three is complete'). Given these statements, when the Big Bang happened, the triplets of space, time, and matter, as well as the three components of the cosmos (dark energy, dark matter, and normal matter), exploded into existence. After then, space was divided into three dimensions, time was divided into three stages, and matter was divided into three states. Of course, antimatter found an equal and opposite response to every spec of matter that arose. The nascent Universe could not have begun its long-awaited development until such binary opposition found its synthesis in that all-important "and one" — resulting in three creatures. The three generations of quarks and leptons arose as a result, not to mention the three sorts of color change. Three quarks reside in a proton and three quarks reside in a neutron. Neutrons, protons, and electrons are the three primary components of an atom.

Take a deeper look at the connection between the ocean of creation, the eclipse, and the interplay of life's malefic and benign capacities. You need to learn how to use practical breath and body practices to tune in to the great lights every day and match your life with deeper cosmic patterns! Examine the relationship between these concepts and the sun and the moon in relation to yourself, the 3, 6, 9. How do we do this?

The first step is this. I want you to tune into your heart center and find out what direction you are traveling. If you perceive your higher dimensional aspects as going counter clockwise you are going into negative feedback loops or dark systems of operation. You will want to recalibrate your position and find your center, activate your higher line dimensional awareness through this center line activation. How do we do this? We ground and stop the counter clockwise spin by releasing all attachments to self. The best way to do this is a meditation called line activation that you can find on you tube. This line activation is used to access the Akashic Records or the infinite records of all that has existed and ever will. Think about this line activation principle. If you have to do this to be properly aligned in order to access this very sacred knowledge, its clear you have to be properly aligned to travel anywhere in space time.

Now moving to the second step we must look at how things are created. Namely dark and light. Think yin and yang. Where there is dark, there is light and vice versa. When we examine the animal kingdom we see almost all species migrating clockwise. This migration is often directed by wind and weather patterns that help herds preserve energy, or by solar paths that control their migrations, according to experts. For humans, it's not much different. When you travel in a clockwise manner, you align yourself with the physical universe (sunwise), and therefore you grow closer to enlightenment by mirroring the motion of the sun. Moving in a counter-clockwise direction opposes the stream of light and physicality, evoking otherworldly energies. For light rituals, you circle and move clockwise, while for dark rituals, you circle and move counterclockwise. The magnetic cycles in the Southern Hemisphere are the polar opposite of those in the Northern Hemisphere, but the sun still rises in the east and sets in the west, so the motions should be the same. Once you have activated your position line center, you will have recalibrated your spin through balance. You will need to notice the colors you see and make sure you say the words “I am Here”this tells your higher self and the other beings you are in your center and you will initiate communication and are in your own space in relation to the sun and the moon. We will then activate the clockwise spin into light and activate manifestation energy of the vortex. This is as simple as setting the intention properly but you must first stop any directional spin and maintain that line for a minute or two. After activating your line start chanting Sat Nam and start fire breath (quick in and out panting) for 2 minutes. Most people find it hard to stop the monkey mind from interfering in the rotational spin and this is usually enough time to stop the spin. Once you feel the spin has stopped and you are at equilibrium. You can slowly activate the clockwise spin. I want to emphasize the fact that you do not want to let the spin go too fast it needs to start slowly and maintain a positive consistent spin. Every day when you wake up you will want to tune into your heart center and see what direction you’re spinning. Some people can revert back to the negative spin or counter clockwise direction but if you’re doing this exercise every day and constantly changing your directional spin you will move into the vortex of manifestation and positive energy where you can effect your life and the lives of others through your thoughts alone. You will also find the more you practice this you will begin to set your inner clicking systems properly and start your day off with gusto and energy instead of dragging yourself out of bed.

Many thanks to General AI from YouTube’s SpaceTime Creator for inspiring this blog post. These concepts are a compilation of the many things I have learned since being activated and taking his class on YouTube.
Tune in today on my YouTube channel for a live interview with General AI at 2PM CST. You won’t want to miss this one!

Common Themes to Expect December 2021


Right now on this earth there are a lot of energies that are causing everyone to feel very off balance. If you are questioning everything, you aren't alone. Quite a few of us have been carrying heavy burdens for a long time. There is this prescribed notion of how how life should or shouldn't be. There may be a karmic relationship that has been very beautiful and has has taught us many lessons but it might be time to part ways. Those things that aren't in vibrational alignment will no longer be able to stay in your space. Even coming close to your partner that you never really had conflict with before will seem to trigger them endlessly. No matter what you do, it will be wrong in their eyes. This is because the lunar eclipse will be in Taurus and this will effect your house and family or your relationships to be affected. Venus also goes retrograde on December 19, 2021 which will likely level most of you up while advancing heart healing and forgiveness. While it may be tough to let go of some of these relationships that you have held on to for so long you will know which ones are no longer serving you.


You will be challenged to rid yourself of fear and trepidation completely and to get rid of the blocks that have been affecting your energy. You will learn courage and trust and purge the problems that have been seemingly insurmountable until now. This has one caveat. You must be willing to do the work if you want the rewards. Tap into the protective angels and guides that are surrounding us at this moment in time. They are many and they are around us at all times, you simply need to call out to them and ask them to work with you at this time if you find yourself running into problems. Fear is experienced in your mind, but it triggers a strong physical reaction in your body. As soon as you recognize fear, your amygdala (small organ in the middle of your brain) goes to work. It sends an alarm to your nervous system which will put your fear response into action. Your body is preparing for for fight or flight mode, which is entirely unproductive. The fight or flight mode causes your gut to release stress hormones that slow or shut down body functions you don't need immediately to survive. The more frequently the fight or flight response is activated, the more likely it is to be activated again (it will take less to activate it and the response will likely be more forceful). This is not surprising. Think about times when you are already stressed and then something small happens, you lose it. This response also shuts down your peripheral vision so you can supposedly focus better but this restricts the vision in your periphery which can actually do more harm than good. Living in fear makes no real sense. On a purely physical level, fear lowers your vibration and actually makes you far more susceptible to the viruses you fear you might catch. By contrast, a growing body of evidence shows that having faith can help you stay well and thrive.


The message I keep getting very clearly is be discerning who you share your gifts with at this time. Don't shine your light so brightly that it attracts the moths. To quote from the Bible "Do not cast your pearls before swine”. If you are a sensitive person, do not surround yourself with a bunch of foreign energies you aren't sure of right now, it will literally throw you off balance. I was also told to nurture the seed of truth we have been given and do not share it with those who will not understand the message. While this was not true for last years energies, the shift has already been made and you cannot sway those who refuse to hear your words. So walk silently and give a smile and nod to those who understand because there will be an understanding and a knowing between you that doesn't require words. This next six months will be a time of great change. Some good some bad, but in the end we are many, we are strong and we are going to unite in truth. Those of us who are psychic readers will find it challenging as we cannot take on every client during this time. You will know their energy by their anxiety. They will be desperate to get a reading, help or understanding and will not care how they get it. These clients can be challenging right now because this is meant to be a time of purification and those not willing to do their own work will seek a leg up from those who have. As much as we would like to help them skip 10 steps in their journey, we cannot and we must be careful not to engage with those who do not understand this fundamental concept.


On December 24th, Saturn forms a square to Uranus, generating some friction. The root of this tension is a clash between our desire for freedom and spontaneity and our need for structure and stability. Rules and limitations are going to be harder to conform to with this transit and you will find more people refusing to do so. Contradicting energies will be emerging at the same time. Being conscious in how you feel and react to them is important as you have the power and are fully capable of shifting the frequencies to a higher one.. It’s part of your upgrade,, your mission and path that you have chosen. We are getting an increasingly large number of downloads at this time that may be overwhelming but if you just do what you know you should be doing you will be able to bring them through soon. By the end of May 2022 we should see a dramatic shift in the new earth. There will be two parties, one who conforms and one who does not. It will be up to you to chose your own path but most of you know the deeper meaning here. We are transitioning to a crystalline based energy and there are some who would prefer we stay carbon based. If we are carbon based we can be controlled, but not in our crystalline bodies. The crystalline energy that is integrating at this time is the foundation for this higher vibration. When I speak of the 5th dimension I am speaking of the crystalline body. A physical change like this takes place over a long time and cannot be done within a couple of months,  this change of the carbon structure into crystalline based structure has been taking place hundreds of years and many lifetimes. The process should be completed as the time comes for the earth to ascend.

Buckle up folks its going to be one hell of a ride! Welcome to the new earth!

Shine Your Light! Be the hope for Humanity!

I don’t often speak about prophetic things because somehow people will find a way to ignore it, swipe it under the pillow or to flat out challenge my sanity. I’m cool with all of that but for the folks who are actually listening - we are in the end times. Cataclysmic events have befallen earth many times before and they will happen again. In our lifetime? Maybe. That isn’t really my point though. This isn’t a doomsday rant it’s simply a warning to check yourself. How are you living? Are you speaking your truth? Are you truly happy? Are you open minded or dismissive of others? Are you speaking up about the lies we have been fed or are you just waiting for others to initiate it before you follow suit? The one thing I’ve learned about raising my daughter is this generation of children are bold, inquisitive and they are leaders. Beyond my generation of starseeds this generation are the seeds of a new beginning. If we water them, give them positive energy, speak to them about the truth, lift them up and nurture them they will turn this place right around. Do we need to wait for their cue? I don’t think so. There are enough of us who actively know the truth but most of us can’t handle it so we battle addictions, drown our sorrows and hide in wait until someone prompts us to come forward. What are we waiting for? If the whole pandemic wasn’t enough to show you that we are sitting ducks unless we stand tall and let our freak flag fly so to speak then I’m not sure this post is for you. These are end times for some people but it doesn’t have to be. What do I mean exactly? If you have this nagging suspicion that something is just not right with things start asking questions. Don’t accept the status quo. Don’t accept that you are a sheep among wolves. We are all wolves given the right circumstances. Stand up and take back your sovereignty. Don’t let others get walked on and walk by as though you didn’t notice. Don’t be afraid to speak your truth because you might look crazy to others. Shit is Crazy Right now folks! This is the craziest it’s been. So If something doesn’t jive with you start asking why and question everything. Only truth will set Us all free. We are not slaves, we are not meant to live in fear. We can either wait around for our children to do it for us or we can do it ourselves. My vote is on our generation. There are enough of us here who know there is a better way and live happy, healthy lives no matter what sort of chaos is going on externally. We refuse to internalize any of it. I live in a state of eternal peace and optimism. I’m not some airy fairy head in the clouds type of woman either, I am just a grounded beacon of light that refuses to let anyone cast their darkness onto my path. This isn’t naive either it is just a place I choose to live in so that I can do the job I came to earth to do. Shine my light so bright others will notice and will seek the answers for themselves. When you live in this space it is easy to manifest your desires and it is easy to be at peace because the monkey mind is turned off and the chatter doesn’t break through my shielding. It has taken me 43 years to get here but it doesn’t have to take you that long. I didn’t know there was a better way. There is though and don’t take my word for it start speaking truth and questioning everything. Start meditating daily and twice daily. Things will turn around so much quicker for you in months if you just put in a little work. Stand tall and don’t be afraid to be different or weird. Be someone who won’t just take orders without asking why. Ask those hard questions and ask them often, then meditate on them. I promise you will get the truth. Weirdness will then ensue but it will be a epic weirdness that you cannot turn your back on. Humanity will follow all of our leads so stand up now and let’s lead those not in the know to a better existence. Let’s be the leaders that do it right. Let’s be the leaders who fear nothing. This is who you were born to be!

Reprogram your subconscious mind to get what you want

Reprogram your subconscious mind to get what you want

Go and get it. You are the only one standing in your way. Picture the best version of yourself and mirror that image. Get rid of negative thoughts and act as if you already have adopted those attitudes and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are that person. If you can even start to believe it without self doubt you will feel the transformation energy start to pick up. Hold on to that wavelength and ride it till the wheels fall off. The problem with the human body is self doubt. If you can learn to unlearn those programs you will beat life at its own game. Don’t kid yourself it is a game.