
Reprogram your subconscious mind to get what you want

Reprogram your subconscious mind to get what you want

Go and get it. You are the only one standing in your way. Picture the best version of yourself and mirror that image. Get rid of negative thoughts and act as if you already have adopted those attitudes and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are that person. If you can even start to believe it without self doubt you will feel the transformation energy start to pick up. Hold on to that wavelength and ride it till the wheels fall off. The problem with the human body is self doubt. If you can learn to unlearn those programs you will beat life at its own game. Don’t kid yourself it is a game.

Stages of a Spiritual Awakening

Stages of a Spiritual Awakening

Unconscious programming runs us, and, as a result, we see the world in black and white – good and bad. We likely process a rigid model of the world according to our specific programming.Because there is a great desire to fit in and be accepted, It is common to sacrifice our needs and compromise our values in order to receive approval and be included in our desired community, be that family, culture, business, religion, etc…