Reprogram your subconscious mind to get what you want

Reprogram your subconscious mind to get what you want

Go and get it. You are the only one standing in your way. Picture the best version of yourself and mirror that image. Get rid of negative thoughts and act as if you already have adopted those attitudes and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are that person. If you can even start to believe it without self doubt you will feel the transformation energy start to pick up. Hold on to that wavelength and ride it till the wheels fall off. The problem with the human body is self doubt. If you can learn to unlearn those programs you will beat life at its own game. Don’t kid yourself it is a game. It’s a very real, game where you only survive if you can master your own mind. Don’t let your thoughts control you, you are not their slave. You have to reconnect with your childhood innocence and enthusiasm for life. Children think they can move mountains and they would be able to do it if we didn’t convince them as they grow up that they are disillusioned. We teach our kids that they have limited potential and that life is a crap shoot. This is programming that we only can overcome through mind mastery of the conscious mind. Your potential is unlimited and this is why daily people are breaking records in all walks of life. Pay attention, don’t accept anything as a limit, that’s the trap. The only limit you have is yourself. You determine your destiny, it’s not random. You have to stop blaming everyone else for your lot in life. Quit letting others dump their disasters at your doorstep. 

Take charge of your life by understanding this one fact, your mind is the prison and it is also the ticket to freedom but in order to walk through those doors you have to stop accepting that there is a ceiling on what your capable of. There are many ways to understand this energy matrix and the subconscious mind and some are hallucinogenic drugs such as LSD, Ayahuasca, Psilocybin and numerous others can temporarily suspend your disbelief in order for you to understand that you have been programmed to believe this but you must also do the work through meditation and quieting your mind from the monkey chatter that distorts your true energetic potential. I encounter so many individuals when I am doing readings that know better yet keep on allowing their minds to control them and this is the biggest problem that we face. If you know better and you have seen the co creative potential up close and personal you have no excuse not to take the reins back. 

So often people have breakthroughs of epic proportions and yet still slip back into old patterns. Why? Because it’s easier and familiar. Here’s the trick, know the familiarity of your energy and you will control how you project it to others. If you understand your own energy you won't be satisfied sending bullshit out to the universe. You will move mountains to make sure that you have the purest, most beautiful, intelligent energy out there. It’s not ego, it’s harmony and union with all. It has nothing to do with actual physical beauty but purity of your soul. It saddens me when I see people who do not recognize their own energy. They know how to use their energy but they do not know how to understand it’s makeup and how your thoughts intertwine in patterns to form your entire energetic structure. These thought patterns create a resonance that will attract similar energy. You can’t fake it, but you can act as if you are limitless but do it with purity and truth. If you just delude yourself you will end up worse off than you were before. There is no shortcut to this other than the direct route to confronting your own bullshit, accepting you have been asleep at the wheel of life and decide not to let that be the case from today on. It’s progress not perfection. You will falter and accidentally send out energetic bullshit but the point is to recognize it and remove it from your vocabulary. 

There aren’t any shortcuts

There aren’t any shortcuts sadly except hard work. When trying to quiet the monkey mind chatter, you won’t find any hot tips that really work, that’s why you won’t hear anyone talking about any. We all know it takes hard work on a daily basis to actually have some noticeable effect. I think this is grossly represented by the media people calling these skills magic assume some sort of big culmination that is obvious an unmistakable. Don’t expect to overnight to notice a huge change in the personality, it is very subtle and if one is not practicing these skills daily it’s unlikely they would even notice the changes but other people will. These thoughts hold energy which makes up a persons energetic signature, which is what talented psychics use to ascertain their information. 

Adopt higher vibrational behaviors

It is not enough to simply want to be better, one has to adopt behaviors that someone who vibrates higher has already obtained and they must be cognizant of all of the thoughts that go into every action. The mind is more complex than anyone truly understands at this point in humanity but this does not mean that one cannot master their own mind. Humanity is limitless in its possibility, the problem starts when people take on a victim profile and think that they have been put upon by someone or because of some lot in life. 

Adversity is something an individual chooses to continue their journey of learning so that they can further master principals they did not fully master in previous lives. No one experiences anything they haven’t chosen willfully. Even if you don’t believe this just try adopting the principle of it and you will find that life becomes easier and less accidental. This doesn’t mean accidents won’t happen, they will if they are meant to but don’t ever think that you are not determining and co-creating your life with other beings because you are. We are ill prepared to deal with the challenges of a 3rd density world because we are all higher dimensional beings who resonate unconditional love. This love can be of service to self orientation or a service to others orientation, that is up to the individual person. This is the reason most of humanity has so many problems with this incarnation, we know this is not how it’s supposed to be and the quicker we all come to this conclusion the faster we can move into a higher density collectively. 

Manifestation is not accurately explained in the secret and perhaps this is on purpose.

There are essential elements left out, one being you cannot manifest anything from a place of lack. Recognizing that element is missing in your life will ensure you cannot bring it into your life. There are two elements that are also very critical in understanding, those being the illusion of time and the illusion of money to create wealth. These are 3D constructs that we allow to control us and until we acknowledge these are not reality they will continue to control you and you will be a slave to them. This is not as cut and dry as it sounds in application but If you just acknowledge the fact that they are illusions, you will be able to start understanding what I am saying. 

We cannot progress beyond these constructs until we acknowledge them and let them go. Holding on to anything is our ego trying to control something and that is not what we are meant to do. We aren’t meant to exert our will over anything, it is not about control it is about recognizing that in this present moment you have everything you need to be successful right now and through discipline of the mind and harmony with all you will begin to see that you can bring anything into your life that is for your greatest good. Sometimes our higher self has put in certain precautions to make sure we don’t slip back to old ways of thinking after we are able to manifest our desires and you might have to release some self limiting belief that you have had for many lifetimes before you can move past this. We knowingly take vows that will inhibit us from falling back into old patterns that will eventually bring us back to our “old” selves so make sure as you work through things and clear out old templates you are letting any old vows go as well. 

We have reached a point where those old templates cannot help us on this journey and while they served their purpose if we are ready to lift the veil of illusion we can move beyond these self imposed limitations. I understand to some this may sound like fantasy and that’s ok, you aren’t here yet but earmark this blog because you will come back to it at some point when you are willing. I won't ask anyone to take my word on these things, I’m just asking you find out for yourself. People jump through many hoops to bring their desires into their lives I just ask you put this into your methodology when it resonates with you. I do not believe I know everything, trust me I have not even scratched the surface but what I do understand is going through painful steps to get what I want in life by restricting myself or carrying around a lot of heavy baggage and it is only through the other wonderful lightworkers I have met on my journey of self discovery that I was able to break through the illusion and see the truth. This is why two people are more powerful than one and breakthroughs come with two or more people working together. No one discovers anything in a vacuum it is only through the thoughts and actions of others that we are able to look at our understanding and to shape it.